Weekend at Bernies
chopper chicks in zombietown
Corspses are Forever
return of the living dead
treasure of the moon goddess
Night Creep
Rainbow Boys
Don Calfa Filmography

Don’s career spans over 40 years in both film and TV.

(click on Title for more info)

Selected Filmography:

The Return of the Living Dead (1985) as Ernie Kaltenbrunner

Weekend at Bernie’s (1989) as Paulie

Night Creep (2003) as Mr Blunt/Night Creep

Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (1991) as Ralph Willum

Twin Peaks as Vice Principal Greege (1 episode, 1990)

Treasure of the Moon Goddess (1987) as Harold Grand

Bugsy (1991) as Louie Dragna

10 (1979) as Neighbor

New York, New York (1977) as Gilbert

Corpses are Forever (2003) as Jack Stark

Progency (1998) as Jimmy Stevens

Stay Tuned (1992) as Wetzel

Barney Miller (7 episodes, 1977-1981)

Columbo (1990) as Rudy

Murder She Wrote (2 episodes, 1988-1993)

1941 (1979) as Telephone Operator

Greasers Palace (1972) as Morris

Pound (1970) as Italian Terrier

Me Myself and I (1992) as Irving

Dr Dolittle (1998) as Patient at Hammersmith

The Presidio (1988) as Howard Buckely

The Star Chamber (1983) as Lawrence Monk

And many more… Please check out IMDB.COM for Don’s full Filmography.